Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Foot Injury (Neuroma)

So I went to the foot doctor last week because of a pain I've been feeling. It all started a month ago when I stepped on a stump during a run. I felt this pain on the bottom of my foot for two weeks. After that the pain ended up transferring to the top of my foot, between my 1st and 2nd toe. 
The doctor wasn't 100% sure that was it but we will find out. The doctor was almost insistent that she give me a shot on the foot to numb the pain. What I didn't tell her was that I'm afraid of needles. I ended up talking her into letting me take ibuprofen instead. It worked! I've rested my foot since last week and it is now starting to feel better. Still sore but time will tell. I'm hoping that this pain subsides so I can start running.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Finding Time

Another long week just finished and I find myself without a day to run. With contest, rehearsals, church, and spending time with my wonderful family, I had no time to get out. I ended up working 14 days straight and more mentally run down. Don't get me wrong, I did dream about running the trails all week but time got the better of me. Lord willing, I will have my time tomorrow. I am, however, scared that my legs will not take me the distance I really want to go. Either way I will run it. Even if it means that I have to crawl back to the front door of my house. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Find A Time to Run

With my regular job and church job it is really hard to find time to run. I've spent the majority of my 8 years running on the road or on the pavement of a really nice park. I pulled in some good miles and enjoyed runs the majority of the times. I really have a run that I dream of now. Trail running. Runner's World Magazine and various books I've read speak much about trail running but I never thought of actually running on trails. This morning, while I was driving to rehearsal, I past up the trails and was yearning to get out there and run again.

After rehearsal I had the pleasure to run a little bit of the trail with my brother and what a treat. I usually run by myself but to have him run with me gave me the chance to show off my new "toy," "place," or whatever you want to call it. Hopefully I can bring more people with me! I love the outdoors and love seeing God's creation in front of me. The smells, sights, and sounds can not be replaced by anything man made. In saying that, I'll be dreaming of my next run on the trail!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Running to Live


Last week I decided to make my running interesting. My wife and I usually run on the road, but I have gotten really bored in doing so. I do a lot of reading about Ultra Runner and tribes, such as the Tarahumara Indians from Mexico and the Kalahari Bushmen from Africa, who survive by running. They fascinate me so much in that they give me a new appreciation of the sport. Not running for sport or pleasure, but running to live.

This has been my love/ hate relationship with running. At times I can run and be in absolute heaven. Then there are the times that I wish that I didn't even attempt a run. Especially when the little injuries pop out of nowhere, or the injuries that have haunted me for years. 

The run on the trails last week and this week have given me that love that the Tarahumara and Bushmen have. Granted, both tribes run for hunting purposes (Persistence Hunting). Well, the Tarahumara also run for sport. They race using 2 wooden balls and play for miles and days on end. My hope is to keep this passion going so that I can begin a legacy for our kids to enjoy.  Not to just enjoy but to know that there are many lessons in running. This I will expand on with the next blog post. Until then, happy running.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Running and Music

There are many things in life that mean so much to me. My faith, family, and running. I'm not big on blogging but hopefully this will keep me honest and motivated to keep my true passions strong. Let's see how this works!